Thursday, November 22, 2012

How to grow corn carnel / seeds.


    • 1
      Soak the corn seeds overnight in a bowl of room-temperature water.
    • 2
      Place the peat pods into the gardening flat. Pour warm water over them until they are fully expanded. Pour the excess water from the flat.
    • 3
      Place the corn seeds into the opening at the top of the peat pot. You may need to expand the opening with your finger or a pencil. Push the seeds down an inch and push the peat around the top of the seeds.
    • 4
      Place the flat on the heating mat, set to 75 degrees F. (Exactly 75 °F is equal to 23.89 °C)
    • 5
      Allow the flat to remain on the heating mat until the corn seeds have germinated. Check the peat pots daily to make sure they don't dry out. Use the misting bottle to moisten them if they appear to be too dry.
    • 6
      Remove the flat from the heat mat and place it in a sunny, warm area as soon as the seeds have sprouted.
    • 7
      Harden off the corn seedlings when they reach five inches tall. To do this, place them outdoors in a sunny, warm area for a few hours per day, gradually lengthening the time spent outdoors each day, and bringing them indoors at night. Plant in the garden after one week.

Read more: How to Germinate Corn Seeds | ehow


  1. saya tanam senang jer..gali lubang, letak 2,3 biji pastuh kambus, siramlah 2X sehari...dlm seminggu inshaallah bercambahlah..hehehe

    1. saya pun ikut mcm awak kesudahannye....semua jagung yang saya tanam jadi mcm fungus (ada spore kaler kuning kehijauan) ....terpaksa la buang. :(

    2. Kena rendam dlm ayaq dlu ka?saya rndam 3 ari..pastu trus buh kat x tumbuh2 pun..ka benoh tu yang expired..huhu

  2. mungkin mendap..tanah lembap sgt...mcm biji matahari sy pun kebanyakkan lembik ada fungus...


Terima kasih daun keladi di atas komen2 sahabat semua,Insyallah saya akan cuba balas komen2 sahabat (jangan marah atau bersedih jika lewat mambalas). Sayang anda semua. Dan arigato gozaimas. :)